Day 8. The White Blood Count Ride
After several uneventful days that involved daily neupogen shots, Richard got blood tests and met with the doctor. This was the first time we had seen the doc since last Sunday. Richard's port site appears puffy, so the doctor put him on two antibiotics. Richard seemed to tolerate them well this evening.
The cytoxin administered last week is effectively suppressing Richard's white blood cells. Richard's WBC was 0.46 today, dropping from 5.3 two weeks ago. Normal range is 4.2 to 10.0. If all goes well, his WBC will start climbing back up in the next day or two. Stem cell collection is next Monday or Tuesday. Richard's red blood count is 3.53, down from 3.9 two weeks ago; normal range is 4.6-6.2.
For you Multiple Myeloma buffs out there, here is Richard's IgG count over the course of the disease/treatment so far:
1/6/06 - 9171 (Week of diagnosis) Normal range is 700-1600.
2/3 - 9215 [quite active tumor loading; this was pre-inductive treatment]
3/1 - 3806 [achieved a dramatic drop with Thal(200mg)/Dex(40mg 4 days on/off)]
4/24 - 3225 [slowed progress due to treatment ceasation because of drug rash from Thal]
5/18 - [change in treatment to Velcade/Dex(40mg 1x/wk)]
6/12 - 3183 [Velcade only moderately effective at minimizing MM]
7/10 - [stop all treatment in preparation for stem cell harvest]
7/20 - 2808 [admitted to hospital for cytoxin]
Thanks to everyone who has written comments on the blog and sent comments separately by email. We're a little slow in responding, but we'll get there!
More things we appreciate: Friends who make us laugh. For me, it means going out with my girlfriends and discussing topics ranging from religion to Marky Mark. Thanks Monika and Lisa.--Robin
P.S. I took a picture of Richard's port for those not faint of heart. See below.
Richard - Port 7-06
That's a sweet looking port, Uncle Richie. I'm not sure what those numbers all mean, but I'm very hopeful that, with God's help, you will beat this thing.
Great Blog. (Dale says: I especially like the graphic pictures, i.e., the port.) Looking forward to getting home and seeing you all in person. Bummer about the car air conditioning going on the blink. Hang in there Richard. We continue praying that the treatment will prove to be successful. We love you, Dale and Kim
Your blog is great. Were my previous comments not acceptable? :)
I never stopped to think that I was a "myeloma buff" but that totally describes me! :) Thanks for posting all of the numbers. Continued good luck!
Wow that port pic was..interesting? Lisa just you!
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