Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 3: Look out, Ahnold...

That's right, Ahnold...Richard is buffing up.
Be very, very afraid.

WBC: 1.7
Platelets: 243
Lbs lost in hospital: 5

The physical therapist comes by once a day now, making Richard do exercises to maintain his muscle mass. It's amazing what you can do just lying down: pushing one's knees down, clinching the glutteus maximus, flexing the feet, and doing bicep, tricep and othercep curls. Bed potatoes, all together now...a one, and a two. Slow and steady now. Three and four. Tired? Hah! Five and Six. Rest and begin again. (You can almost hear the whip snapping.)

Richard's nausea is unrelenting, so the doctor ordered a New! Improved! nausea medicine, Emend (not sure of spelling yet). It seemed to help a little. Richard's nausea is now at a 5 (on a scale of's been at 6-7). He had a few bites of cream of wheat, toast, and two saltines. He's lost five pounds, but I'm determined to put those pounds back on after he's home. He's a little tired of me asking him every couple of hours if he feels like having a taste of pudding, or a cracker or ice cream. I think he finally succumbs because I'm such a pest. But, really...what he's doing is rewarding my behavior! (Psych 101) I'm always so pleased when he says, "Okay, i'll try a cracker." Funny how basic things, like eating and drinking, become the most important things in your day at times like this.

And that's all the news fit to report. Thanks to all the callers today. It helps. P.S. I'm printing off the blog and responses each day for Richard.

Keeping the lungs fit, too.
And blow...slow and steady...two, three, four.
Good, now nine more times.

Things we were thankful for today: Great day/pm nursing staff (thanks Lorri and Zoraida); Seinfeld; and our children (which brought some tears and hugs this afternoon).


At 8/22/2006 9:20 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

Looing' pretty buff :)

At 8/22/2006 9:42 AM, Blogger Gracie Cole said...

if i didn't learn anything else this summer, i learned what it's like when eating and drinking are, in fact, the most important things in your day. that was my biggest challenge on the unicycle trip - believe it or not, the first month i didn't feel like eating much. my blood sugar level caused an emotional roller coaster. you're doing great uncle richard! keep up the studly exercises!

At 8/22/2006 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad, you're looking pretty snazzy in your hospital bed! I'm glad that the new medicine is working and I look forward to seeing you (and your Hulk Hogan muscles) once you're feeling a little better. I miss you and mom!

Luv you both!!!!

At 8/22/2006 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi R&R,
We're just back from the cabin and catching up on the blog, though we talk to Mom and Dad every day to find out how things are going. Have been thinking of you non-stop.

Cabin was beautiful. Dave took Max, Courtney, Molly, Taylor, Naftali and Aimee the wonder dog to the top of Lover's Leap. (I sat on the porch and watched the birds.)

See you in Davis in the near future. Glad to hear all is on target.

Nice pictures Rob!
Your Favorite Sister

At 8/22/2006 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uncle Richard,

Is that a water bong you're working on in the bottom photo? Not that I'd know what they look like or anything. It just looks fishy. Pot is supposed to be nausea-reducing. That's the word on the street, anyways. :)

Love to you guys,

Shiloh and Sam

At 8/23/2006 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...underwater bong, eh? Is that something that Cousin Jim will have to look into here at INTERPOL?

Keep up the good work, folks!
Love from Lyon!


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