Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 4: A Room With a View

WBC: 1.4
Platelets: 179
Lbs lost: 6

Today was a pretty good day, overall. Richard felt well enough to sit in a chair for a while. The freeway is in clear view from his window. We really don't need a clock in his room. The traffic patterns are definite indicators of what time of day it is.

I knew Richard was feeling better today when I returned to his room at 2 pm and he was on his knees in bed leaning over the bed rails to change the CD player that sits on a ledge by the wall. I was so afraid he might fall that I just stopped in my tracks like a deer in headlights. (Fair warning here, you do not want me with you in an emergency. I freeze. Or scream. It's not pretty, and I'm pretty much useless.) By the way, see the blue band on his right wrist? That's an indicator that he is a fall risk. (Fans self.) I'm still worked up over that. But I was also pleased to see he was feeling so well! What's a girl to do.

Other evidence of his feeling better was his cruising of the BMT hall. He took five laps this evening. Another patient was taking laps in the hall, and it felt a bit like a transplant version of Nascar. Each person wore a fashionable green gown, clutched tightly to preserve privacy, and they each pushed an awkward portable drip machine. You could tell we were in the US, though. Richard and the woman stayed on their respective right hand side of the hall, looping around counter-clockwise. At one point Richard whispered, "I think I'm gaining on her." Yep. He's feeling better.

Bicep curls, hospital-style.

Checking for progress. Yep. Feeling better.

Things we were thankful for today: new cards to post on Richard's wall; telephone calls from Richard's work colleagues, friends and family; coffee time for Robin and Alissa (thanks Lisa!); and flowers for Robin waiting on our doorstep (thanks Kristen!).

A big thanks, too, to neighbor Bill who helped me haul a huge mattress to the curb at 10 pm for the semi-annual City of Sacramento
Crap-on-the-Curb event.


At 8/22/2006 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad you look like you're feeling better! I didn't know I had tickets to the gun show! ;P

I hope you watched a great movie tonight and have another wonderful morning tomorrow.

Love you and mom!!!!

An Irish blessing for tomorrow:

May your day be touched
by a bit of Irish luck,
brightened by a song in your heart,
and warmed by the smiles
of the people you love.

New word for the day(i just looked it up for class as I write this and thought I would share it): RATIOCINATIVE: of, relating to, marked by or skilled in methodical & logical reasoning (aka analytical?)

At 8/23/2006 2:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for the NASCAR Hospital Series!

You're right, Robin: you could tell by the walkers' behavior that you're in the US: if that had been France, someone would have passed the other on EITHER side, and then cut back in SOOO closely that you'd think the bumpers of the portable drip machines would scrape!

(Can you tell that I just drove Jim and a colleague to the airport on Lyon's versions of the freeways? We REALLY miss American drivers!)

Keep up the hard workouts, Richard. They're worth it!
Love from Lyon!

At 8/23/2006 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Richard,

Just wanted you to know we think of you everyday and read the amazing updates that Robin posts. She's quite the writer and funny too!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Thanks Robin!)

You and your family our in our thoughts and prayers.


Your cousin Leslie, Jon & Jonnie

At 8/23/2006 12:57 PM, Blogger Kristen said...

Glad you liked the flowers!

At 8/23/2006 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Richard and Robin--

I think your chronicle is excellent, especially with the photos. I see a book in this eventually.

You're in our thoughts and prayers. Wish we could do magic.

Warren & Nancy

At 8/23/2006 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So tonight a friend said she'd checked Richard's site and kept exclaiming about how handsome he is! She went on and on, embarrassed and laughing at herself like a little schoolgirl, especially since she's quite happily married. So all those compliments on the bald head looking good must be true! (told ya so!)

By the way, a little hospital trick for hall trekking... you can put on a second gown, opening in front like a robe. No more holding it together in back, and no more full moons! ;)

Love you!
Kim and Dale

At 8/26/2006 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Richard,
This is da Govenator. I have seen your pictures, and I must say: I'm impressed. No more of these wimpy wimps that i see every day. We should arm wrestle some time; YAaAAaaa!


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