Saturday, August 26, 2006

Day 8: Kumbaya

WBC: less than 0.4
(I guess readings below this level are not reliable since they're so small.)
Platelets: 43
Lbs lost: 10

We understand that the anniversary luncheon on Saturday was grand, that a good time was had by all, and that people trekked over to L&N's home for an after-party. One thing about Richard's family--their parties last for days!

As promised, today the music therapist dropped off a guitar for Richard. Basic instruction is happening in the photo: "This is a string. This is your finger. This is your finger on string."

Richard continues to eat very small meals, but he has to force down anything other than ice cream and saltines. Everything tastes really odd to him. He's been craving chocolate, and specifically an Almond Joy (which is weird, because I've never seen him eat one before). I bought one today, and even the candy bar tasted odd to him. Those taste buds are falling down on the job.

I also brought in some playing cards, and after a good wipe-down with the handy-dandy green antibacterial spray (wiping down the front and back of 52 plastic-coated cardboard rectangles is fun!), we played the two-player card game Casino. We only got through a practice game, but the competition should heat up in the days to come.

Thanks for all the calls, gifts (thanks Cyndi!) and cards. Richard's closet door is getting cozily cluttered!


At 8/27/2006 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI, guys!

I called and spoke with our families at "The Party" yesterday afternoon/evening - sure wish we could have ALL been there!

You're looking great - keep up the guitar lessons!

Enjoy your ice cream and saltines!
Love from Lyon!

At 8/27/2006 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like all is going very well. My Richard never got a single mouth sore during his auto transplant, so it is possible. Stay with the mouth care!

At 8/27/2006 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rich and Rob,
It was just like you were there (except for your pretty faces). I swear you were a part of every conversation! Tomorrow you should receive the HUGE card that everyone signed. Thanks for the beautiful flowers, Robin. I have 6 vases on my table and they look beautiful.
I'm pooped. Hope you enjoy the messages from the gang. Love to both of you...YFS

At 8/27/2006 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops. Forgot to tell you...Alissa was your designated eater and she tried awfully hard to keep up. I was your designated drinker, and I think that you should consider drinking less....

At 9/06/2006 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard.....I guess Bill still has not accessed this site as I kept asking him if he had been checking the blog after he kept telling me he was worried about not hearing from you. Boy, am I going to get after him.Boy, am I going to get after him when he gets home. The photos and notes are great. What a wonderful idea. We speak of you almost daily and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care, Bev (Other half or 3/4 of Bill)


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